Müvi: Ricardo Carioba & Fabio Villas Boas
22 22 – UDDQEM
22 22 – Project UDDQEM is the result of the union between musician Fábio Villas Bôas and visual artist Ricardo Carioba. Fábio develops digital music, while Carioba makes computer graphic animations.
The duo Müvi, composed by Ricardo Müller Carioba and Fabio Villas Bôas, appeared in 2004 with the project U.D.D.Q.E.M., presented for the fi rst time at FILE/Hipersonica. In 2005 it published the album “Você pensa e faz ao contrário” (Peligro/Open Field), followed by the quadraphonic piece “Taking Place of Surface”, presented at Pinacoteca do Estado. It made performances at FILE/Hipersonica – SESI, Video Game – Sesc Pompéia, 10o Cultura Inglesa Festival – Centro Brasileiro Britânico, ONOFF – Itaú Cultural, and Verbo – Galeria Vermelho. Recently, it launched the album “colher”, by Peligro.Ricardo Carioba, artist born in São Paulo, studied fi ne arts at FAAP. He made solo exhibitions at galleries Vermelho and Casa Triângulo, and at Paço das Artes – Temporada de Projetos. He took part in the Brazilian Art Panorama at MAM-SP, in the exhibition Imagetica in Curitiba, and in Salão da Bahia at MAM-BA, among other group exhibits. He published the album “Você pensa e faz ao contrário” (Peligro/ Open Field), followed by the quadraphonic piece “Taking Place of Surface”, presented at Pinacoteca do Estado. It made performances at FILE/Hipersonica – SESI, Video Game – Sesc Pompéia, 10o Cultura Inglesa Festival – Centro Brasileiro Britânico, ON-OFF – Itaú Cultural, and Verbo – Galeria Vermelho. Recently, it launched the album “colher”, by Peligro.