FILE WORKSHOP 2023 – São Paulo – Arte e Tecnologia
Electronic Language International Festival
The FILE SP 2023 workshops take place this year between the 5th and 7th of July 2023, at the Mezzanine of the FIESP Cultural Center. All activities are free and prior registration is required to participate.
Since 2009, the workshops offered by FILE have been attended by groups of computer science educators and artists who seek an experimental immersion in the essence of binary language. This immersion aims to transfer knowledge and research on the use of computing for artistic purposes.
The aim is to disseminate technology as a creative language and artistic development process to as many people as possible, including interested parties, public school teachers and groups of possible multipliers of this language.
DATE: July 5th, 6th, 7th
PLACE: Mezzanine of the FIESP Cultural Center
Av. Paulista, 1313. In front of the Trianon-Masp metro.
click below to sign up
1. FILE 2023 Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
July 5, from 11am to 14pm, on Zoom (LINK)
2. Felipe Gomes – DIY CTRL – Brazil
July 5, from 14pm to 18pm, Mezzanine Floor of Centro Cultural FIESP
3. Bruna Mayer e Miguel Alonso – Cutting Windows: Making Stickers with Vector Drawing – Brazil
July 5, from 14pm to 18pm, Mezzanine Floor of Centro Cultural FIESP
4. Mauricio Jabur – Op Art – Introduction to online programming for the visual arts – Brazil
July 6, from 14pm to 18pm, Mezzanine Floor of Centro Cultural FIESP
5. Luca Ribeiro e Sergio Venancio – Augmented dinner: introduction to 3D modelling for Augmented Reality – Brazil
July 6, from 14pm to 18pm, Mezzanine Floor of Centro Cultural FIESP
6. Sergio Venancio – Machine Learning for the Creative Curious – Brazil
July 6, from 19pm to 22pm, Mezzanine Floor of Centro Cultural FIESP
7. Paulo Nenflidio – Building a Solar Cricket – Brazil
July 7, from 14pm to 18pm, Mezzanine Floor of Centro Cultural FIESP
8. Samuel Baptista Mariani – Animation with Generative Art Using AI – Brazil
July 7, from 14pm to 18pm, Mezzanine Floor of Centro Cultural FIESP
9. Felipe Mamone – System breakdown: a detour by glitch art – Brazil
July 7, from 19pm to 22pm, Mezzanine Floor of Centro Cultural FIESP